The key to a good start is communication. We value the partnership of parents and staff. We believe it is important for parents to take an active role in the care of their children. Parents are an important part of Morrow Early Learning Center. Our hope is to establish a partnership with the parents of Morrow Early Learning Center students to ensure that we provide the best possible learning environment for your child or children. Emergency plans are developed specifically for Morrow Early Learning Center and are posted throughout the center as well as the parent board.
Parents should feel free to speak daily with teachers about their child’s progress and well-being. This includes anything that might affect the child’s behavior during the day. We ask that all parents inform the Lead or Assistant Teacher when the child has arrived in the classroom and to discuss any concerns. Each morning the child must be signed in. If a current phone number is not available, the parents are asked to call between 1:00 and 3:00 each day to check on the child. It is helpful for the teachers to know when anything new or unusual is happening in your child’s life. The information you share helps us to understand and meet your child’s needs. Please keep us informed of your concerns, problems, comments, and suggestions. Our partnership is built on good communication. Please check cubbies daily and bulletin boards regularly for new and helpful information. When there is a need to talk to the classroom teacher by phone, the best time to call is between 1-3 p.m., when the children are taking their nap. At other times the office will be happy to take a message.
Morrow Early Learning Center welcomes your questions and comments concerning your child, center policies or procedures


About our Payment Schedule
Payments are due every Friday before the close of the business day (6:30 pm). A $25 late fee will be applied after 6:30pm. We accept credit cards and money orders. Parents can also use myprocare.com to sign-up and make secure payments online.